
As the leading manufacturer of lime kiln, the CHAENG(Great Wall machinery) at home and abroad the same type of kiln absorbing and drawing on the "economic environment, high output efficiency" for the design concept, we developed a series of patented technology and non-standard kiln patent equipment, with perfect automatic control technology, energy efficient fully automated production, environmental discharge standards, the formation of domestic outstanding lime kiln technology. This type of rotary kiln with vertical preheater, vertical cooler with a high utilization of raw materials, firing a complete, uniform quality, good quality, large capacity, high rate of operation, energy saving, easy operation, automatic control, in line with the State Environmental Protection energy saving industrial policy, especially suitable for metallurgical, chemical and building materials industries calcined limestone.
1.create the perfect technology, leading the industry pioneer
Lime kiln is a new type of environmental protection equipment, its primary drive system using the new AC frequency control technology, compared with traditional electromagnetic speed, DC speed, more energy-saving and environmental protection, and speed range, high efficiency, speed and high precision, running smoothly;
The use of advanced structure, low loss vertical preheater, can save 40% fuel indicators, production increased by 30% recycle exhaust heat, smoke conducive to dust, emission targets reached 30mg / m³.
For limestone calcination process characteristics and requirements of kiln, kiln segments for the overall structure optimization, to solve the same type of kiln kiln feed back and ubiquitous dust leakage, delivery more smoothly, naturally; for efficient use of energy, the use of the upper and lower furnace heat exchange, greatly reducing the limit from the upper and lower heat dissipation.
2. high-quality, high-yield, environmentally friendly energy
Environmentally friendly energy mix burnt lime kiln, the kiln to achieve three-stage thermal process the preheating zone, firing zone, equitable distribution of the cooling zone, the fuel energy to make full use, the material from the preheater at the top of the silo by cutting slide tubing into the preheater body, while the high temperature flue gas from the kiln pass the material preheated to above 1000 ℃, so that partial decomposition of limestone, then followed by the hydraulic push rod is pushed into the tail of the rotary kiln, the rotary kiln calcination then unloaded into a cooler, cold air blown by the cooling fan, the material was cooled to ambient temperature below 60 ℃ + cooler discharge. Cooler air is blown through the air into the rotary kiln as secondary combustion participation. In the course of all operations are closed and automated flue gas discharged from the pipeline and reach through the dust pollution emissions. Both to achieve high-quality high-yield, but also to achieve energy saving and environmental protection.
3. matching dust removal equipment, for you to create a green project
Kiln combustion flue gas temperature after the preheater and limestone for heat exchange, the temperature dropped to below 250 ℃, and then carried into a cyclone dust collector collecting the dust collecting large particles, then after entering the baghouse dust into the atmosphere at high temperature fan, exhaust gas dust concentration of less than 30mg / m³, fully meet the modern environmental requirements. In the import filter is also provided with cold air control system for dust protection.
CHAENG provide High activity lime kiln calcination better ,configuration flexible, configurable vertical preheater kiln in full use within a rotary kiln to produce high temperature flue gas, preheat the limestone from room temperature to the initial state of decomposition, You can also configure vertical cooler at high temperature in a kiln lime quench, improve the degree of activity, but also easy to transport and storage.

GRMS vertical mill for Nickel slag production line

Nickel slag, Blast furnace slag, steel slag grinding process technology, mainly combined ball mill + roller press, pre-grinding roller mill + ball mill grinding, vertical mill grinding. Wherein, GRMS Nickel slag vertical mill grinding process is simple, small footprint, low construction costs, high grinding efficiency,low energy consumption, is the ideal nickel slag, slag, steel slag treatment process.
Slag, steel slag, nickel slag vertical mill works principle as follows: Nickel slag vertical mill uses two forms of feeding and side feeding centers, vertical mill material from falling into the upper lock valve, slide along the feeding tube straight into the disc on, with the rotation of the disc outward throw, again cutting the vertical scraper means Chute welding scraping, he was thrown into the grinding zone lining on the disc, abrasive surface grinding roll grinding in this region Directly above.
On the disc are roller grinding material, by a small portion of the new material with high moisture and most over-the-mill finished with lower water composition. This is because a large part of the unfinished coarse material separated by the separator is returned, which is the recycle material. The slag discharge auxiliary roller compaction. Main roller rocker arm fixed to the main, a good material layer is configured by pressure grinding. Force by the roller itself weight and hydraulic system pressure generated by the roller and the grind bed friction rotation.
Sensors and buffers for the rocker arm roller installed to prevent direct metallic contact with the disc. Was milled slag particles under the effect of centrifugal force is thrown out and through the ring gauge, where it is the collector loop through the wind increased airflow. Dust and gas mixture flows through the grinding chamber, which was equipped with a vertical mill liner wear of the cylinder surrounded enter welded to the vertical mill separator barrel on the finished separator will be elected.
Through the annular air ring by a vertical mill discharge foreign matters, as well as in case of motility disorders, falls through the annular air ring roller mill cone slag grinding, by installing the disc following board scraper, scrape drain mouth after both the nickel slag discharged from here through the air box into the recycle feed tube slide, grinding again, separator, until a qualified products.
CHAENG(Great Wall Machinery) Nickel slag production line project has been officially launched, can be designed to provide customers with an annual output of 30,0000 to 100,0000 t of nickel slag vertical mill production line

2016 (eighteenth) China International Mining Conference will be held once again solemnly 22-25 September 2016 in Tianjin Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center! By then, CHAENG ( Xinxiang Great Wall Machinery ) will bring upgraded saving mine ball millvertical mill, processing equipment and accessories, and other participants will be more mining units to achieve cost efficiency to provide a complete solution, booth: N1-1224.
It is reported that China International Mining Conference is the Global Mining Forum and Exhibition, the highest level meeting is organized by the Chinese mining industry, the highest in more than 9,000 exhibitors, it can be described as a grand scale.
It is reported that China International Mining Conference is the Global Mining Forum and Exhibition, the highest level meeting is organized by the Chinese mining industry, the highest in more than 9,000 exhibitors, it can be described as a grand scale. In order to enable more customers to choose their most satisfied with the exhibition of equipment, CHAENG will also arrange a group of professional engineers, chief technology officers arrived show, so that customers really understand the CHAENG , recognized the CHAENG .
CHAENG will be held in the booth "scan code polite" feedback has been concerned about the activities, help CHAENG customers to the booth that is gifts both hands! Activities specific rules to CHAENG booth consultation.
N1-1224 booth, look forward to your arrival!

CHAENG will participate in the Fifth China - Asia-Europe Expo

Fifth China - Asia-Europe Expo will be held grandly in Urumqi, Xinjiang International Exhibition Center on September 20-25. The exhibition is organized by the Chinese government support, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and the relevant state ministries and commissions to co-host, and domestic and foreign guests are invited each year to participate in international exhibitions abroad.
As China's leading integrated service provider grinding system, CHAENG will also attend the exhibition, machinery and equipment in the booth area B -U5 heavy launch the latest upgrade of industrial waste 2.0 grinding system model case, a large cement outfits in the hope that the majority of customer communication and cooperation.
More carefully, in order to allow customers to visit Central Asia CHAENG equipment to conduct a comprehensive understanding, in this exhibition, CHAENG will also be produced in Russian panels, equipped with specialized Russian personnel and customer service one on one to answer.
From its founding in 1958, CHAENG and Central Asia will be carried out in close cooperation, so that the spirit of different countries, different regions of the customers to use the most suitable cement equipment, CHAENG adhering to the "technology world, the Great Wall wisdom made" business philosophy, Henan University of Science and technology in cooperation with the outstanding domestic research institutes to establish "research" base, not only developed a highly efficient, energy-saving and cement grinding outfit, a number of technology won the national patent.
Wherein, CHAENG 4.2 × 13m cement mill double sliding shoe is China's first from the fundamental solution to similar products, the problem of "Since the discharge end of the sliding shoe bearing temperature too high to continuous operation," and thus won the national utility model patents, Patent number: ZL201020285841.9.
Up to now, CHAENG total production of a variety of cement mill, rotary kiln more than 3,000 sets of various types of cement / slag vertical mill, more than 200 sets of products throughout the country and exported to the United States, Russia, Uzbekistan, Brazil, India, Iran, Vietnam, Pakistan and other countries.

Slag vertical mill price how much mone

Slag vertical mill Which is better? How much slag vertical mill, many customers are eager to inquire known. CHAENG is one of the best manufacturers of slag vertical mill, the first to introduce a case of Hebei Iron and Steel Factory. Slag powder is widely used in 2013 caused Aosen Iron and Steel Factory high-level attention, after careful study comparison, the final was impressed by CHAENG advanced technology, strong processing capacity and performance of the industry for many world cases.
In August, Aosen Iron and Steel Factory they organized people to visit the factory and learn CHAENG self-built 600,000 tons of slag powder production line, through the field to understand and talk about post-contact, in September 2013 Aosen steel plant and CHAENG signed a 600,000 tons of slag powder production line construction contract.
From construction equipment to the total package, from installation to commissioning and then formally put into production, with less than seven months. This entry 600,000 tons of slag powder production line of choice is CHAENG slag vertical mill --GRMS46.41 vertical mill, production capacity will reach an annual output of 600,000 tons.
Aosen Iron and Steel Factory this line compared to other ore slag production line has two outstanding advantages: First, the raw slag from Iron and Steel Factory shipped their own use, eliminating the need for a large number of slag transport costs and purchasing costs, but also can be a good secondary use of industrial waste emissions from steel plants to achieve the cycle of development.Second, it is the Aosen Iron and Steel Factory slag powder 600,000 tons of the fuel line is not a common coal stove, instead of using its own steel factory blast furnace gas emissions, blast furnace gas to solve the problem of environmental pollution, but also to achieve the exhaust gas recycling, greatly reducing energy costs.

The entire production line system power consumption of less than 40kWh / t. Finished regard, after the slag ground into powder, which can control the specific surface area in 4200 ~ 4500 cm² / g, and can be reasonably controlled slag cement fineness and suitable slag cement and graded, Portland cement and slag in order to achieve the best good match.
CHEANG customers gave a high evaluation,CHEANG slag vertical mill equipment quality is very good, after the production line, the operational data than expected, they are very satisfied.
CHAENG with nearly 60 years of large-scale mill kiln equipment manufacturing experience,
CHAENG have provided hundred customers at home and abroad for the cement, slag, steel slag production line design, manufacture, installation, commissioning and production standards of the total project contract - turnkey services.To a greater extent to provide one-stop services to meet customer demand for hosting, CHAENG set up an efficient and professional service team, in-depth customer site for daily ore production line production operations, management, optimization of the performance indicators until reaching the optimal state.
Slag vertical mill price how much money, click on the right "online customer service" or "website message" consultation!


Slag grinding line investment returns analysis

Take our 600,000 t/a slag power production line as an example, the total investment of this project is RMB 50 million. It took into production on April, 2011. Within 2 years, all the investments has returned and now is benefits. The investment details list as below:
ProjectIndicatorPractical operation
Start dateDate of start runningApril 2011
Investment calculationsTotal investment50 million
Cost calculationRaw material cost70YUAN/T
Production costs50 YUAN
Profit calculationMarket sales prices160 YUAN/T
Tons of profits40 YUAN/T
Annual profit40×600,000=24 million
Economic benefitsWithin 2 years, all the investments returned (currently in a State of pure profit)
Slag powder qualityFineness500 m2/kg
7d Activity indexAbout 100%
Activity indexPass GB S95

Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag

With people’s knowing about the GGBS (Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag) performance and economic value, now many cement and concrete enterprises start to produce and use GGBS. The activity GGBS used in cement production can replace large amount clinker, used in concrete can replace large amount cement and improve the concrete performance. It can lower the production cost, save energy and reduce emission.

Mineral Slag
Mineral slag is the waste slag discharged from blast furnace during pig iron smelting. It could be concrete admixture after grinding process.

Nickel Slag
Nickel slag is the solid waste generated by smelting nickel iron alloy. The nickel iron alloy is the main raw material for stainless steel.

Steel Slag
Steel slag is the waste residue in the process of steel making, including converter slag and electric furnace slag, approximately takes 15-20 percent of crude steel capacity.

Manganese Slag

Manganese slag is the waste of smelting Manganese. It could be the material of silicon manganese alloy after milling process.

Uzbekistan customer officially signed a cement production line of 1000TPD with CHAENG

Project Introduction

Due to the central Asian region is under the influence of "One Belt and One Road" policy, they started to develop the infrastructure construction, will undoubtedly increase the demand for cement. After a multinational investigation contrast, Uzbekistan customer officially signed a cement production line of 1000TPD with CHAENG (Xinxiang Great Wall Machinery) on March 16, 2016.
This cooperation only lasted for less than 10 days from investigation to sign the contract. It’s the technical strength and good reputation in the industry of Great Wall to let customer to make a firm choice. It marks that CHAENG achieves new breakthrough on exploiting central Asia market again.
Process typeNew Dry Process
Capacity1000 TPD
Main equipmentGRMR22.31 (vertical raw mill) & GRMC16.21 (vertical coal mill)
GRMK33.31 (vertical cement mill) & φ3.2x50m rotary kiln
FeatureEnergy Saving, Environmental Protection

Project Advantages

For the new type cement production line, Chaeng adopts the advanced energy saving technology in the crushing and calcining process, the waste hot air generated from the rotary kiln can be recycled for raw material drying and pre-heat pyrolysing to achieve the energy saving, environmental friendly purpose.

Powerful crushing,scientific stockpiling

The limestone crushing use single-section hammer crusher that feeding size is 800mm, production capacity is 180 t/h, and grinding by advanced vertical raw mill- GRMR22.31. Scientific material piling and taking technology, to achieve the initial raw material homogenization.

New vertical mill grinding process, Low energy consumption in grinding

The energy consumption in cement grinding process accounts for more than 60% of the whole production line, therefore, it has great significance in ensuring product quality and reducing energy consumption by using high efficiency and energy saving GRM series vertical roller mill to deal with raw material, coal, clinker.

preheating before calcination, High efficiency and energy saving

Raw materials are sent into φ3.2x50m rotary kiln to be calcined after preheating and precalcining in the cyclone preheater. That is conducive to improve the production efficiency of kiln system, shorten rotary kiln length, and reduce the heat consumption of clinker calcining.

Low Investment ,Environment Friendly

Vertical mill grinding system operate in negative pressure, low dust pollution; System equipment layout is compact, low area occupying, low investment in civil construction; Environmental protection in recycling kiln exhaust gas.

Indonesia 300,00 t Nickel slag Model Production Line Go into Pperation

It is the updated version(2.0) of turn-key project of Xinxiang Great Wall Machinery Corporation. The GRMS33.31 vertical mill was installed in the project. The successfully start-up of this project solved the pollution of nickel waste pills in Indonesia, and final production also can be admixture, which widely used in cement and concrete market, so as to reduce the cost of cement.
step 1 : The pilled nickel slag was fed by forklift and conveyed by belts.
step 2 : In the process of conveying, nickel slag material is de-iron and screened by a separator and vibrating screen, and then trans to vertical mill through weighing equipment and hoist.
step 3 : The milled slag is concentrated by vertical mill separator, and dried by the hot air introduced from hot stove.
step 4 : Dust collector collects all the qualified nickel slag particles, trans to storage silo by air chute and hoist.
step 5 : The bigger particle size is conveyed back to vertical mill and re-grinding until its fineness is qualified.

1,500,000 tons annual industrial slag project for Shanghai Bao Steel

Raw material: slag, steel slag
Capacity: 1,500,000 tons annual
Equipment List: belt conveyors, 2GRMS46.41 slag vertical mill, steel slag ball mill, bucket elevator, dust catcher, final product silo, accessories.
Introduction: Shanghai Bao Steel is the largest steel company in China, who is also the setter of steel slag powder standard. The cooperation between Bao Steel and Xinxiang Great Wall proves that Great wall machinery is highly recognized in the waste slag grinding industry in China. Besides, this project is also the largest waste slag recycling project in China.